Monday, November 30, 2009

End of Week 3 - Starting Week 4!

Well, I guess this has turned into a weekly IT OUT EVERY SUNDAY/MONDAY FOR THE WEEKLY RESULTS!!! :) But, in two weeks when school is nearing the end, I will be able to post more. And, if you have any questions, feel free to ask about it; I will get back to you ASAP.

Well, bad news, folks...I took 1 step forward and 2 steps back this last week. It was Thanksgiving on Thursday and my girlfriend had hers on, two Turkey days this past week. That doesn't bode well for weight loss. I got on the scale last night and I weighed...223 lbs. I gained back 3 pounds. I am actually upset about that, but not TOO TERRIBLY upset. I just know that WEEK 4 will be better for me, and I am shooting for under 220 lbs. by the end of this week. I knew when I got started that both Thanksgiving and Christmas were going to be involved. But, I thought if I could do it during the hardest eating times of the year, I could do it anytime. So, alas, I am continuing the journey having lost 6 pounds total (from 229 to 223). Wish me luck and keep following me. I'm gonna do it; You wait and see! :) Peace!

PS - I still need to put pictures up. I will later in the week.


  1. So on Black Friday Best Buy was selling season sets of "Smallville" for only 9.99 each, so despite it being a terrible show, I had to buy a few anyhow. So anyway, i've been watching those and god damn...EVERY man on that show, main character and just extras, always takes their shirts off and has a perfectly formed six-pack. It's just not fair man! It's just not fair!

    I just don't know what to do. Lately i've been trying to eat more actually, but to eat smaller portions and space them out throughout the day. That way it'll speed up my motabolism. The hope is that will actually help me lose weight rather than gein in. But that's totally pop-science and I really have no idea what I'm doing.

  2. I can't believe you went out and GAVE MONEY to the Smallville distributors. Goddammit! But, yeah, six packs...SO JEALOUS!

    Yeah, it's a fact that eating smaller portions more frequently during the day is more beneficial. So, eating 2-3 huge meals is worse than 4-5 smaller meals. Eating less, but more times, keeps you running and doesn't give your body time to STORE THE FAT like big meals do.

    So, keep eating less and more often and you will see a difference. Get out and jog a little, too. It really helps.

    And...I miss you... :) See ya, bud
