Sunday, December 6, 2009

End of Week 4 - Starting Week 5

Hello all! It is the start of Week 5 and I have Week 4 results...I am now...220 lbs. So, I lost the Thanksgiving weight that I put on and got back to 220 lbs. I just have to keep working out, that's the key. Diet doesn't play as much of a factor, I've found out. It is really all about staying active. Here are pictures of this Week 4 results! So, after 4 weeks, I've lost 9 pounds. Starting the 5th week now, hoping to get down to, at most, 217 lbs. by the end of the week - wish me luck!!!


  1. You're a superhero Steve, keep on rockin'. And don't get psyched-out about the diet. I'm sure it still plays a huge role, even if it's not as immedietly obvious. You gotta stay strong on all fronts my brotha'.

  2. UPDATE! Don't quit on me now Steve!!

  3. Haven't heard much from you in a while Steve. Don't let the holidays stop you!
